50 Подготовьте презентацию для студенческого форума о конфликте. Сформируйте группы по четыре человека и решите, о чём каждый из вас будет говорить. Следуйте этим рекомендациям:
• Объясните, чем является конфликт. Объясните, почему случаются конфликты.
• Приведите пример конфликта (между одноклассниками, соседями по комнате, в семье, в политике).
• Объясните, почему важно мирное урегулирование конфликта.
• Дайте совет насчёт того, что люди должны делать, если между ними случился конфликт.
• Вы также можете порекомендовать книгу (художественную или научно-популярную о миротворчестве и объяснить, почему эта книга полезна. Используйте одно или два высказывания из «умных мыслей» из Упр.45 в вашем разговоре.
Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often we have conflicts because we don't listen to each other.
There can be conflicts between family members, such as brothers and sisters, parents and children, between classmates, friends, roommates, colleagues, parties or states.
Conflicts may lead to fights, bad relations and violence; that is why it is very' important to try to prevent conflicts.
You should be patient, listen to what other people say, respect their point of view and not criticize them all the time, because they also have the right to have their own ideas. Moreover, if people resolve conflicts peacefully, they will have better relations in the future.
Конфликт — это естественное событие в нашей жизни. Конфликты происходят из-за того, что все люди разные: они хотят разных вещей, у них разные идеи и цели. Очень часто люди конфликтуют, потому что они не слушают друг друга.
Конфликт может произойти в семье, например, между братьями и сестрами, родителями и детьми, между одноклассниками, друзьями, соседями по комнате, коллегами, странами или государствами.
Конфликты могут вести к ссорам, плохим отношениям и насилию, поэтому очень важно стараться избегать конфликтов.
Следует быть терпеливым, слушать, что говорят другие, уважать их мнение и не критиковать их все время, потому что у них тоже есть право иметь свои собственные идеи. Более того, если люди разрешают конфликты мирным путем, их отношения будут лучше в будущем.
We can say that there are a lot of different kinds of conflict. But actually, only the scale of it can vary, but the main point is always the same - people don't agree with each other. The reasons for this can be explained by the fact that all the people are different. We have different ideas, different views of life, different values and so on. That's why misunderstanding can happen between you and your relatives and friends several times a day. For example, your parents want you to wear proper clothes, but you think that such clothes are conservative, so, of course, you prefer to wear something fashionable and modern, such as jeans and a T-shirt. Your parents don't approve of it, and after some time you have a conflict with them, trying to prove that your style of clothes is good and that you don't want to wear conservative suits or skirts. This is just a simple example of a conflict. Conflicts can be much bigger and lead to fights, bad relations and even wars.
That's why it is very important to learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully or just to avoid them.
At first, we should try to listen to other people's opinion and to respect it. Every person has a right to have his own opinion about everything, and we should not just quarrel and try to prove that we are right, but try to understand another person. You may not agree with somebody's point of view, but you shouldn't make a quarrel because of that. This will help us prevent conflicts and to have good relations with people. Besides that, there are some small pieces of advice of how to avoid a conflict, such as counting to 10 or to 100 when you are very angry. Another piece of advice is just to try to be kind to everybody and to do everything with love. People will see and appreciate this trait of your character and your relations with them will be better.