5 Сделайте некоторое исследований и напишите заметки с помощью заголовков в упр.3 о диких животных в вашей стране. Напишите абзац об этом. Представьте его к классу.
Ответ №1:
The Eurasian eagle owl
Where it lives: forest with ravines and valleys
How it can be dangerous: It can cut you with its sharp claws.
How you can protect yourself: pepper spray.
The Eurasian eagle owl is the largest owl in the world. The Eurasian eagle-owl adapts to different conditions, but prefers areas near the ponds and areas where a lot of rodents. These little creatures - the bulk of the production of these birds of prey; they make up 90% of their diet.
The Eurasian eagle-owl spends alone the biggest part of its life. Sometimes it happens that a male and female live on the same property, but each of them has its own asylum and each hunts alone. The Eurasian eagle-owl jealously guards its possession.
Где обитает: лес с оврагами и равнинами
Чем может быть опасен: может сильно поранить своими острыми когтями.
Как вы можете защитить себя: перечный баллончик.
Филин является крупнейшей совой в мире. Филин адаптируется к различным условиям, но предпочитает участки вблизи водоемов и областей, где много грызунов. Эти маленькие существа - основная часть рациона этих хищных птиц; они составляют 90% их рациона.
Филин проводит одна большая часть его жизни. Иногда бывает, что самец и самка живут на той же территории, но каждый из них имеет свое собственное убежище и каждый охотится по отдельности. Филин ревностно охраняет свое владение.
Ответ №2:
Grey wolf
Where it lives: Siberian Taiga: boreal forest, survives in the cold: blood vessels in paws, thick coat
How it can be dangerous: known as fierce (Russian proverbs), kills when sth gets near den or another wolf is killed, strong jaws
How you can protect yourself: pepper spray, yelling and making noise
Two species of grey wolves are found in northern and central Russia. They live in the Siberian Taiga because it is a boreal forest with long cold winters. The grey wolf is able to stand the cold because it has blood vessels in its paws which prevent them from freezing when it walks in the snow. Their coat also has two layers to provide extra insulation against the cold. The wolf has a reputation for being a fierce and cunning creature. There are 253 Russian proverbs about wolves, showing its mean character. However, these animals are far less dangerous than most people think. Wolves don't normally attack humans unless provoked. They are more likely to be aggressive near their den or the site of a wolf killing. Many campers and hikers carry pepper spray with them in case they see a wolf. Yelling loudly can also be effective in scaring them away.