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Ответ №1:
There are lots of kinds of sports. Some of them are extremely cruel. Some people think that it’s necessary to ban cruel sport, because it’s too dangerous for sportsmen’s lives. But other people enjoy of looking at violence and cruelty. Let’s think about it.
In my opinion some of cruel kinds of sport can be allowed. Boxing is one of the most dangerous sports in the world because people break their legs, arms and noses. However, sportsman, who did boxing at some stage of his life, has good sport form and strong character. Boxers are self-confident and physically strong. Although, it is a very traumatic sport, people become physically and morally stronger after some time of training.
However, I think that these sports are inhuman and risky. Many prominent sportsmen have lost their lives to violent sports. Moreover, it is common to exploit carelessly animals in some sports, such as medieval tournaments or bullfighting. Spectators I think these performances should be banned.
In conclusion I want to say that there is lots of violence in modern sport. It should be banned.
Существует много видов спорта. Некоторые из них являются чрезвычайно жестокими. Некоторые люди думают, что необходимо запретить жестокие виды спорта, потому что это слишком опасно для жизни спортсменов. Но другие люди любят смотреть на насилие и жестокость. Давайте поразмышляем об этом.
На мой взгляд, некоторые из жестоких видов спорта могут быть разрешено. Бокс является одним из самых опасных видов спорта в мире, потому что люди ломают ноги, руки и носы. Тем не менее, спортсмен, который занимался боксом, имеет хорошую спортивную форму и сильный характер. Боксеры уверенны в себе и физически сильны. Несмотря на то, что это очень травмоопасный вид спорта, люди становятся физически и морально.
Тем не менее, я считаю, что многие виды спорта являются бесчеловечными и рискованным. Многие известные спортсмены потеряли свою жизнь . Кроме того, в таких видах спорта часто используют животных.
В заключение я хочу сказать, что современный спорт очень часто практикует насилие. Это должно быть запрещено.
Ответ №2:
Many sports are extremely violent, yet this doesn't stop people watching them or playing them. Should violent sports be banned or are they just a way for people to enjoy themselves?
There are some arguments for banning violent sports. In the first place, some of these sports are simply an excuse for violence. There is enough violence in our world as it is without seeing sportsmen getting hurt on TV. In addition, people who take part in violent sports risk serious injury or even death. Many young boxers, for example, are seriously injured every year.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to banning violent sports. To start with, violent sports can be a healthy way for people to relax and let off steam. As a result, general aggression and violence in society will be reduced. Moreover, instead of banning violent sports, we can improve their safety standards, for instance, by using better protective clothing and equipment. Consequently, sports injuries will be reduced.
In conclusion, there are arguments both for and against the banning of violent sports. I strongly believe violent games should be banned, as I feel they are not going to help people to live together peacefully.