ГДЗ Упражнение 31, Section 5. Welcome to festivals and holidays in Great Britain and Russia, Unit 4 из Рабочая тетрадь Enjoy English 6 Английский язык 6 класс

 Ниже на странице Вы найдете решение задания 31, Section 5. Welcome to festivals and holidays in Great Britain and Russia, Unit 4 из Рабочая тетрадь Enjoy English 6 Английский язык 6 класс. Для Вашего удобства ниже также размещен перевод слов к упражнению 31. Пользуясь словарем, выполнять готовые домашние задания по английскому языку из Рабочая тетрадь Enjoy English 6 Английский язык 6 класс с нами стало еще удобнее. Все гдз на нашем сайте проверены и могут быть использованы исключительно в ознакомительных целях, для проверки пройденного и выполненного материала.

31. Write down some information about holidays:

a) Today is the 9th of May. Write what you and your family have done today.

Use: enjoy sunny and warm spring weather, remember the brave solders of our country, put flowers on the monuments.

Example: We have celebrated the most important Russian holiday.

1) We enjoyed sunny and warm spring weather.

2) We remembered the brave solders of our country.

3) We have put flowers on the monuments.

b) Today is the 31st of December. Write what you and your family are going now.

Use: buy many presents, decorate the Christmas tree, buy coloured lights and decorations.

Example: We are cooking a special Christmas dinner.

1) We are buying many presents.

2) We are decorating the Christmas tree.

3) We are buying coloured lights and decorations.

c) Remember 1st of September last year. Write what you and your classmate did.

Use: run around in the school yard, draw funny pictures on the blackboard, meet old friends.

Example: We told each other about our summer holidays.

1) We ran around in the school yard.

2) We drew funny pictures on the blackboard.

3) We met old friends.

d) Think about 8th March next year. Write what you and your family will do.

Use: send lovely spring cards, receive small funny presents, give beautiful flowers.

Example: We will think about other mothers and grannies.

1) We will send lovely spring cards.

2) We will receive small funny presents.

3) We will give beautiful flowers.

Словарь к готовому домашнему заданию

  • down - вниз
  • some - некоторые
  • information - информация
  • what - что
  • your - ваш
  • family - семья
  • have - иметь
  • done - сделано
  • enjoy - наслаждайтесь
  • sunny - солнечный
  • warm - теплый
  • spring - весна
  • weather - погода
  • remember - помню
  • brave - храбрый
  • solders - припой
  • country - страна
  • flowers - цветы
  • celebrated - отмечается
  • most - самое

Другие решения из раздела Section 5. Welcome to festivals and holidays in Great Britain and Russia

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