7 Перепишите следующие предложения в каузативной форме.
1 Джейн попросила мужа вымыть машину.
2 Том попросит кого-нибудь переработать всю бумагу в его офисе.
3 Водопроводчик ставит специальные фильтры для воды на всех кранах Джейн.
4 Механик изменил мотоцикл Майка так, чтобы он выделял меньше выхлопных газов.
5 Салли попросила Джейн приготовить обед для нее.
6 Я попросил ветеринара осмотреть мою собаку.
7 Супермаркет доставил покупки в мой дом.
8 Когда они произведут уборку нашего местного пляжа?
9 Механик поправил автомобиль Келли.
10 На прошлой неделе у меня украли кошелек.
1 Jane had her husband to wash the car.
2 Tom will have someone recycle all the paper from his office.
3 Jane is having a plumber put special water filters on all her taps.
4 Mike had a mechanic alter his motorbike to give off less emissions.
5 Sally had Jane cook dinner for her.
6 I had the vet look at my dog.
7 I had the supermarket deliver the shopping to my house.
8 When will you have them clean up our local beach?
9 Kelly has had her car fixed.
10 I had my wallet stolen.
7 Rewrite the following sentences in the causative form. 1 Jane asked her husband to wash the car. 2 Tom will ask someone to recycle all the paper from his office. 3 A plumber is putting special water filters on all of Jane's taps. 4 A mechanic has altered Mike's motorbike to give off less emissions. 5 Sally asked Jane to cook dinner for her. 6 I asked the vet to look at my dog. 7 The supermarket delivered the shopping to my house. 8 When will they clean up our local beach? 9 The mechanic has fixed Kelly's car. 10 My wallet was stolen last week.