C Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Используйте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Используйте от двух до пяти слов.
19 Peter and his friends hate having football practice on Sundays. (Питер и его друзья ненавидят практику по футболу по воскресеньям)
Peter hates having football practice on Sundays, and so do his friends. (Питер ненавидит практику по футболу по воскресеньям, так же как и его друзья)
20 After checking her work, Jessica handed it to her teacher. (После проверки своей работы, Джессика отдала ее учителю)
Not until she had checked it did Jessica hand her work to her teacher. (Джессика не отдала свою работу учителю, пока не проверила ее)
21 She shows such friendliness that no-one has anything bad to say about her. (Она показывает такое дружелюбие, что никто не может сказать о ней ничего плохого)
So friendly is she that everyone has something good to say about her. (Она так дружелюбна, что каждый может сказать о ней что-то хорошее)
22 If it were me, I wouldn’t leave so late tomorrow. (На твоем месте я бы не остался бы так поздно завтра)
Were I you, I would set out earlier tomorrow. (На твоем месте я бы выехал завтра пораньше)
23 Both Jane and George missed their flights. (Джейн и Джордж пропустили свои рейсы)
Jane didn’t catch her flight, and neither did George. (Джейн пропустила свой рейс, и Джордж тоже)
24 It’s not very often that I see such a lot of people at this small airport. (Нечасто я вижу так много людей в этом маленьком аэропорту)
Rarely do I see so many people at this small airport. (Редко я вижу так много людей в этом маленьком аэропорту)
19 and so do
20 she had checked it did
21 friendly is she
22 you, I would set
23 her flight, and neither did
24 do I see so
C Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first using the word given. Use two to five words. 19 Peter and his friends hate having football practice on Sundays. Peter hates having football practice on Sundays, and so do his friends. 20 After checking her work, Jessica handed it to her teacher. Not until she had checked it did Jessica hand her work to her teacher. 21 She shows such friendliness that no-one has anything bad to say about her. So friendly is she that everyone has something good to say about her. 22 If it were me, I wouldn’t leave so late tomorrow. Were I you, I would set out earlier tomorrow. 23 Both Jane and George missed their flights. Jane didn’t catch her flight, and neither did George. 24 It’s not very often that I see such a lot of people at this small airport. Rarely do I see so many people at this small airport.