B Подчеркните правильное слово.
11 Tom’s apprenticeship has taught him a lot of technical skills. (Во время обучения Том приобрел много технических навыков)
12 Mary succeeded in becoming a doctor after years of hard work and perseverance. (Мэри удалось стать врачом после многих лет напряженной работы и настойчивости)
13 Despite his defeat last year, David has high hopes of being elected Class President this year. (Несмотря на поражение в прошлом году, Дэвид очень надеется быть избранным старостой класса в этом году)
14 After their lessons, Rob and Danny spend time with their friends at their favourite hangout. (После уроков Боб и Дэнни проводят время со своими друзьями в их излюбленном месте)
15 My brother advised me not to worry too much, and just take things as they come. (Мой брат посоветовал мне не беспокоиться ни о чем слишком сильно, и просто принимать вещи такими, какие они есть)
16 Sharon has enrolled on an art course, as she is very interested in French Impressionism. (Шэрон записались на курсы по искусству, потому что она очень интересуется французским импрессионизмом)
17 Lyn was able to carry out the difficult task with the help of her colleagues. (Лин смогла выполнить сложную задачу с помощью своих коллег)
18 Ian was turned down for the job, as he didn’t have the necessary academic qualifications. (Яну было отказано в работе, так как у него не было необходимых академических знаний)
19 In spite of his meagre salary, Henry manages to pay for all his tuition fees. (Несмотря на свою скудную зарплату, Генри сумел заплатить за свое обучение)
11 taught
12 hard
13 defeat
14 lessons
15 take
16 enrolled
17 carry out
18 qualifications
19 meagre
B Underline the correct item. 11 Tom’s apprenticeship has taught him a lot of technical skills. 12 Mary succeeded in becoming a doctor after years of hard work and perseverance. 13 Despite his defeat last year, David has high hopes of being elected Class President this year. 14 After their lessons, Rob and Danny spend time with their friends at their favourite hangout. 15 My brother advised me not to worry too much, and just take things as they come. 16 Sharon has enrolled on an art course, as she is very interested in French Impressionism. 17 Lyn was able to carry out the difficult task with the help of her colleagues. 18 Ian was turned down for the job, as he didn’t have the necessary academic qualifications 19 In spite of his meagre salary, Henry manages to pay for all his tuition fees.