ГДЗ Упражнение 11, Section 2. Meeting new friends, Unit 1 из Рабочая тетрадь Enjoy English 6 Английский язык 6 класс

 Ниже на странице Вы найдете решение задания 11, Section 2. Meeting new friends, Unit 1 из Рабочая тетрадь Enjoy English 6 Английский язык 6 класс. Для Вашего удобства ниже также размещен перевод слов к упражнению 11. Пользуясь словарем, выполнять готовые домашние задания по английскому языку из Рабочая тетрадь Enjoy English 6 Английский язык 6 класс с нами стало еще удобнее. Все гдз на нашем сайте проверены и могут быть использованы исключительно в ознакомительных целях, для проверки пройденного и выполненного материала.

11. Complete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling in the blank space

Three friends decided to run 184 miles along the Times.

They started their journey from the source of the most famous English river.

The weather was fine when they took the first photo of the river. Their marathon began. The Thames was quiet and narrow. The friends passed nice villages and small towns, which tourists very rarely visit. During the trip, the runners did not sleep in tents, they stopped at hotels.

Then, closer to London, the river changed its character - it became wider.

There were lots of boats and ships on the Thames. On the seventh day, the runners got to London and jogged though the centre of the city. Finally, the runners got to the Thames Barrier, which lets the river into the sea. Their marathon was over.

"We have done it! We are tired but happy. Next year we will run along the Severn, which is longer than the Thames," one of the runners wrote in his Facebook.









Словарь к готовому домашнему заданию

  • text: - текст:
  • make - сделать
  • word - слово
  • capitals - столиц
  • suitable - подходит
  • filling - заполнение
  • blank - пустой
  • friends - друзья
  • decided - решил
  • miles - миль
  • along - вместе
  • started - начал
  • their - их
  • journey - путешествие
  • from - от
  • source - источник
  • weather - погода
  • fine - хорошо
  • when - когда
  • they - они

Другие решения из раздела Section 2. Meeting new friends

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