ГДЗ Упражнение 5, Going green, Модуль 7 из Spotlight 11 Английский в фокусе Афанасьева О.В. 11 класс

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5 Проект: В группах соберите информацию о Дайан Фосси или другом защитнике окружающей среды. Представьте ее классу.
Ответ №1:
Dian Fossey(1932 – 1985) was a zoologist who was researching the endangered gorillas. She is best known for fighting for gorillas' rights and for her mysterious murder.
Dian Fossey was born on January 16, 1932, in California. Developing an affinity for animals at a young age, throughout her youth, Fossey was an avid horseback rider and an aspiring veterinarian. After graduating from San Jose in 1954, Fossey spent several months working as a hospital intern in California. She soon became restless, longing to see other parts of the world and setting her sights on Africa. While working as an occupational therapist, Fossey became interested in primates during a trip to Africa in 1963. She studied the gorillas of the Rwandan mountain forest for two decades. She saw these animals as dignified, highly social creatures with individual personalities and strong family relationships. She fought for the gorillas not only via the media, but also by destroying poachers' dogs and traps. Fossey told her story in the book Gorillas in the Mist (1983), which was later adapted for a film. Tragically, on December 26, 1985, Dian was found hacked to death, presumably by poachers, at her Rwandan forest camp.
Дайан Фосси (1932 – 1985) была зоологом, который исследовал подвергаемых опасности горилл. Она известна, прежде всего, борьбой за права горилл и своей таинственной смертью.
Дайан Фосси родилась 16 января 1932 года в Калифорнии. Развивая влечение к животным в молодом возрасте, в течение ее юности, Фосси была энергичной наездницей и целеустремленным ветеринаром. После окончания Сан-Хосе в 1954, Фосси провела несколько месяцев, работая молодым специалистом больницы в Калифорнии. Она скоро стала беспокойной, стремясь увидеть другие части мира и нацелившись на Африку. Работая профессиональным врачом, Фосси заинтересовалась приматами во время поездки в Африку в 1963. Она изучала горилл руандийского горного леса в течение двух десятилетий. Она рассмотривала этих животных как достойных, очень социальных существ с отдельными индивидуальностями и сильными семейными отношениями. Она боролась за горилл не только через СМИ, но также и уничтожая собак и ловушки браконьеров. Фосси рассказала свою историю в книге ‘Гориллы в тумане’ (1983), которая была позже адаптирована для фильма. Трагически, 26 декабря 1985, Дайан была найдена зарубленной, по-видимому, браконьерами, в ее руандийском лесном лагере.
Ответ №2:
Rachel Carson (1907 - 1964), an American marine biologist and nature writer, grew up on a small farm near Springdale, Pennsylvania. An avid reader at an early age, she began writing when she was just eight years old. She is best known today for her work 'Silent Spring' which led to a nationwide ban on the use of DDT and other harmful pesticides.
After studying biology at the Pennsylvania College for Women, she studied zoology and gained her master's degree in 1934. In 1935 her father died suddenly and Carson was left to take care of her aging mother. Rather than study further (to obtain a doctorate), she took on a job at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. Carson also began writing articles about marine life to newspapers and magazines. In 1952 she gave up her job to concentrate on her writing. Carson's main subject was the dangers of pesticide overuse. She investigated many cases of pesticide exposure and found evidence to support the pesticide-cancer connection. Unfortunately, she developed cancer herself and died at the age of 56. In recognition for her work, Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom - the highest civilian honour in the United States.

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